In accordance with Russian Federal Law № 174-ФЗ of 23.11.1995 “On Ecological Appraisal”, and the State Regulation on assessing the environmental impact of planned economic or other activity in the Russian Federation, ratified by RF Goskomekologiya Decree № 372 of 16 May 2000, the Federal State Unitary Agency Rosmorport hereby announces a public consultation of documentation for the project “Construction of quays to service the Rosmorport Azov-Black Sea auxiliary fleet along the western breakwater of the Novorossiisk port basin”, including a discussion of materials assessing the environmental impact of the planned economic activity and the technical brief for the environmental impact assessment.

Location of planned activity: Russian Federation, Krasnodar Krai, Novorossiisk, Western breakwater of the Novorossiisk port basin.

Activity objective: maintenance of the Rosmorport Azov-Black Sea auxiliary fleet

Project client: Federal State Unitary Agency Rosmorport, 127055, Russia, Moscow, ulitsa Sushchevskaya 19, Bldg. 7, Tel: (495) 626 1425, e-mail:

General contractor: Marine Construction and Technology LLC (Morstroytechnology LLC), 195220, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ulitsa Gzhatskaya 21, Block 2, Liter A, Tel: (812) 333 1310, e-mail:

Body responsible for organising public discussion: Municipal Administration of the Hero-City of Novorossiisk, Novorossiisk, ulitsa Sovetov 18, Tel: (8617) 646405, e-mail:

Public consultation period: 20.08.2018 to 20.09.2018

Public consultation format: public hearing

Venue for public hearings: City Palace of Culture, Krasnodar Krai, Novorossiisk, ulitsa Sovetov 9, Tel: (861) 764 6729

Date for public hearings: 20.09.2018

Hearings will start at 15.00, registration of participants from 14.30.

Display materials and project documentation, including materials assessing the environmental impact of the planned economic activity and the technical brief for the environmental impact assessment are available for examination by the public from 20.08.2018 to 20.09.2018 on the website of MORSTROYTECHNOLOGY LLC:, and at the Municipal Administration of the Hero-City of Novorossiisk, Novorossiisk, Prospekt Lenina 55, Tourist Information Centre, during weekdays from 9:00 until 17:00.

Questions, comments and suggestions relating to the documentation under discussion can be submitted for a period of 30 days from the date of this notice, and also for a period of 30 days following the public hearings, in writing to the municipal administration of the Hero-City of Novorossiisk either by post or by email, marked “Re. public consultation”.

Design solutions:

Environmental impact assessment materials – part 1
Environmental impact assessment materials – part 2
Environmental impact assessment materials – part 3
Situational plan
Technical brief for environmental impact assessment