Creating a new production facility, or making changes to the volume and output of an existing plant, brings with it logistical challenges. An increase in cargo-flow demands that the optimal format for delivering equipment, raw materials and the finished product is found, and for that one needs to understand whether the existing infrastructure can cope with the increased strain, and what measures are needed for its development.

Absorbing the added freight-flow may require coordination between different forms of transport – sea, river, road, rail and even hydro-transport, as well as between storage facilities and terminals. The fundamental characteristics of the transport fleet, vehicles and rolling stock, and how the product will be packaged, must all be settled in advance. There must me an understanding as to whether further investment in transport assets is necessary, and all the costs and risks associated with both the construction phase and eventual operation must be weighed up and evaluated.

Mortstroytechnology stands out through its all-encompassing approach to increasing and developing logistical capacity. We bring together specialists from different disciplines and propose solutions founded on our deep knowledge of the latest transport technologies, on sound economic thinking and a comprehensive overview of the situation.

We are often tasked with resolving unorthodox challenges, and we have the capability to do so, combining established, tried and tested technologies with innovative new proposals.