Bratya Production and Commerce LLC hereby announces a public consultation on the project documentation «Reconstruction of the wharf embankment of Bratya Production and Commerce LLC», including materials assessing the environmental impact (OVOS) of the planned economic activity and a technical specification of conducting the OVOS assessment.

Information notice for public consultation

In accordance with Russian Federal Law № 174-ФЗ of 23.11.1995 «On Ecological Appraisal», and the State Regulation on assessing the environmental impact of planned economic or other activity in the Russian Federation, ratified by RF Goskomekologiya Decree № 372 of 16 May 2000, Bratya Production and Commerce LLC hereby announces a public consultation of documentation for the project «Reconstruction of the wharf embankment of Bratya Production and Commerce LLC»including materials assessing the environmental impact (OVOS) of the planned economic activity and a technical specification of conducting the OVOS assessment.

Location of the planned activity: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Lugovaya 19 and 19a

Objective and format of activity: Reconstruction of the wharf embankment. The proposed site is intended for the berthing of cargo vessels for loading and temporary mooring.

Client: Limited Liability Company «Bratya» Production and Commercial Firm (LLC PCF «Bratya»), address: 344002, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Lugovaya 19, tel.: (863) 261-88-22

General Designer: FChOOO «Biflinger Tebodin CIS B.V.», address: 344006, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Nizhnebul'varnaya 6, tel.: (495) 258-80-58

OVOS Materials Author: Limited Liability Company «MORSKOYE STROITEL’STVO I TEKHNOLOGII» (MОRSTROYTECHNOLOGY LLC), address: 195220, St Petersburg, ul. Gzhatskaya 21, Bldg.2, Lit.A, tel.: (812)333-13-10, e-mail:

Body responsible for organising public consultation: Rostov-on-Don City Government Committee for Protection of the Environment, 344000, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, pr. Semashko, 99/248, tel. (863) 231-57-55, e-mail:

Public consultation period: July – October 2019.

Public consultation format: public hearing.

Venue for public hearing: Don State Public Library, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Pushkinskayam 175A, Conference Hall, tel.: (863) 264-93-69

Date for public hearing: 03.09.2019

Hearings commence: 15:00. Registration of participants from 14:30.

Display materials and project documentation, including materials assessing the environmental impact of the planned economic activity and the technical brief for the OVOS environmental impact assessment are available for examination by the public from 31.07.2019 to 07.10.2019 on the website of MORSTROYTECHNOLOGY LLC:, and at the office of FChOOO «Biflinger Tebodin CIS B.V.», address: 344006, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Nizhnebul'varnaya 6, 11th floor, on weekdays from 9:00 until 17:00. Detailed information on the materials can be obtained from FChOOO «Biflinger Tebodin CIS B.V.»’s representative Viktor Vladimirovich Kozhokaru, tel.: (495)258-80-58 ext. 1392, е-mail:

Questions, comments and suggestions relating to the documentation under discussion can be submitted for a period of 30 days from the date of this notice, and also for a period of 30 days following the public hearings, in writing to MORSTROYTECHNOLOGY LLC and to the Rostov-on-Don City Government Committee for Protection of the Environment by post and email, marked «Re. public consultation».


Тechnical specification

OVOS materials – part 1

OVOS materials  part 2

OVOS materials  part 3

OVOS materials  part 4

OVOS materials  part 5

OVOS materials  part 6

Design solutions – part 1

Design solutions  part 2

Design solutions  part 3

Design solutions  part 4

Design solutions  part 5