Morstroytechnology conducts market research into different transport markets, assesses the development scenarios and competitive environment for transport systems, and provides information service according to individual plans.
Our design experience and extensive knowledge of the transport industry were applied in a number of scientific and forecasting investigations such as:
- Analysis of the marine passenger transport market for the Port of Sochi;
- Development of water passenger transport for St Petersburg and the Narva-Jesuu route;
- Market and competitive environment analysis for the terminal at Gorskaya village;
- Assessment of transport systems development scenarios for Saratov oil refinery and Uvek storage depot.
The container market was investigated in the following areas:
- assessment of competitive ability of the Port of Murmansk;
- development scenarios for South East Cargo Handling Area of the Port of Novorossiysk;
- development strategy of St.Petersburg Transport and Logistic Complex.