The growing investment in port terminals and their infrastructure imposes particular demands when it comes to the quality of their technological design. Morstroytechnology’s technologists, Master of Sciences V.Pogodin, I. Serova and Ya.Spassky, in cooperation with specialists of XJ Technologies LLC and the St Petersburg Polytechnic University created simulation models for specialized container and coal terminals.
The purpose of the simulation modeling was to carry out a dynamic analysis of the relationships between the characteristics of cargo traffic, the warehouse and the main parameters of the sea cargo front (number and description of berths, number of berth cranes, distribution of vessels by type, etc.) that influence the main operational and economic parameters of the terminal.
The simulation modeling process enables the resolution of both the direct and inverse problems of technological design. To address the direct task is to determine the design of the terminal, designed to handle a certain type of cargo, which is typical for the design of new terminals from scratch. The inverse method is to determine the possible cargo traffic volume through the terminal, including the existing terminal, given the restrictions on technological resources.