Morstroytechnology is experienced in strategic planning not only for individual companies but also for regions and industries.
Among such projects are:
- Development Strategy for the main port of St Petersburg to provide effective economic development for the city (see diagram 1);
- The Maritime and Inland Water Transport section of the Development Programme for the St Petersburg Transport and Logistic Complex for the Period to 2025;
- Conceptual design for a water passenger transport system (water taxi) for St Petersburg;
- The Inland Water Transport section of the Development Programme for the Amur Region Transport Road Complex for the Period to 2015.
Morstroytechnology conducts the following types of research:
- Analysis of current situation: company’s position in the market, benchmarking, SWOT-analysis;
- Forecasting of freight and passenger traffic with regard to market conditions, development of related markets, macroeconomic indicators (see diagram 2);
- Assessment of the commercial and budgetary efficiency as well as the social and economic impact of a project;
- Complex analysis of logistic chains to enable accurate assessment of a project’s competitiveness considering interactions with other modes of transport.