Artificial islands provide a stable platform in open water for organizing both exploratory well-drilling and construction of production plants for pumping and dispatch of raw hydrocarbons.

Morstroytechnology has the required resources to design artificial islands, even in the severe environmental conditions to be found in the far north.

Above is a cross-section to illustrate the interaction between a gravity type enclosure structure and hummock. The scale of ice image corresponds to the scale of the structure (consolidated layer thickness is 4.5m).

Based on the engineering, geological and hydrometeorological conditions of the construction site, the following perimeter enclosure options can be applied:

  • large diameter steel casing (1);
  • concrete caissons (2);
  • pile sheeting or pipe-and-pile walls (3);
  • low angle sand slopes (4);
  • escarpments protected by reinforced con-crete slabs (5).

 artificial islands 1

artificial islands 2

artificial islands 3


artificial islands 4


artificial islands 5