Project brief: To construct a transport and logistics hub for handling container cargos delivered by rail from China and Kazakhstan. The project provides for a flexible and gradual increase in capacity.
The hub will enable a significant reduction in the time and cost of container transportation. Cargo transit by sea from China to Russia (23 000km) takes about 50 days, and by Trans-Siberian Road (12 000) – over one month.
The new route from Urumchi (China) through Kazakhstan to the Yuzhnouralsky takes 10 days and 3 000km.
Accomplished works:
- Basic design documentation;
- Project expertise facilitation;
- Development of special purpose specification;
- Detailed design documentation;
- Construction supervision.
Key features of the transport and logistics hub, Phase 1:
- Cargo turnover – 2,5m tonnes / 307 000 TEU annually;
- Area – 45.1 hectares;• Total length of railway track – 7,829m;
- Total indoor warehouse area – 60,381m2;
- Container terminal – 14.02 hecta-res.