Customer: FGUP «Rosmorport»
Performance time: 2007
Work Performance Background
The development of OAO «NUTEP» container terminal requires extension of the berth No. 39 which is a federal property facility.
Project Target
The berth extension along with construction of OAO «NUTEP» facilities will allow to double the terminal capacity in the near future.
Scope of Work
Reconstruction of Federal property facilities in the Port of Novorossiysk includes the extension of berth No. 39 to increase the container terminal capacity, dredging of operational water area, increase of depth at existing gravity berths.
Vertical type shore protection allows increasing the water area bottom up to BS -13.10. The shore protection design permits to reduce the lateral earth pressure on Novorossiysk Shipyard protective mole due to action of anchor wall as a shielding element.
Technological solutions developed by OOO «Morstroytechnology» allow increasing the depth at the container terminal gravity berths by 2.6m.
The Project have been obtained positive conclusion of the Russian State Expertise and is under construction.